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Privacy Policy:

                The Clearfield Area Junior Senior High School website is hosted by and is accessed through the Clearfield Area School District website,

                The library does not collect personal information about those who visit the website.  Databases which are listed on the site may collect the number of visitors to their database from our page but all IP information would reflect that the visitor had accessed the site through the district website and will not indicate the IP of origin.

                Databases share with the district the number of visitors from our page.  This information does not include personal information, merely the number of uses of the database.  This information is used strictly to monitor the use of the databases in order to assess the value and accessibility of the database for our students’ needs.

                The library’s online public catalog collects information about the availability of materials and information about the number of times an item has circulated.  Personal information on this site is confidential as per the dictates of state law :






24 Pa. Con. Stat. § 9375 

§ 9375 Library circulation records

Records of the following institutions which relate to the circulation of library materials and contain the names or other personally identifying information of users of the materials shall be confidential and may not be made available to anyone except by a court order in a criminal proceeding:


(1)  The State Library.

(2)  A local library established or maintained under the provisions of this chapter.

(3)  The library of a university, college or educational institution chartered by the Commonwealth.

(4)  The library of a public school.

(5)  A library established and maintained under a law of this Commonwealth.

(6)  A branch reading room, deposit station or agency operated in connection with a library described in this section.   09/2014


                If an individual chooses to correspond to the library via email, those emails which are legitimate questions or comments will be answered but not collected or archived.  The library reserves the right to retain any correspondence of a threatening or illegal nature in the event that the proper authorities may need to be informed.

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